AI SEO:做谷歌SEO需要知道的ChatGPT prompts指令

学会了以下这些关于谷歌SEO的ChatGPT prompts指令可以大大提高你的工作效率,甚至可以自己给自己的网站做SEO,可以大大节省聘请谷歌SEO服务商的外包费用。

1. Compose Regular Expressions in Analytics Reporting (创建正则表达方式)
Sample Prompt: Compose regular expression which starts with “How To” or “What is” case insensitive using RE2 syntax.
Sample Prompt: Compose regular expression which contains words “Samsung” and “phone” case insensitive using RE2 syntax.
2. Compose Complex Spreadsheet Formulas (在表格里筛选包含某一关键词的单元格)
Sample Prompt: Google Sheet formula which copies all rows from sheet1 where column “A” contains word “iphone”.
3. Generate Audience Personas (生成用户图像)
Sample Prompt: Create audience personas for the “physical threat detection software.”
4. SWOT Analysis (WTO分析)
Sample Prompt: SWOT analysis of “Washington Post”.
5. S.M.A.R.T. Goals (S.M.A.R.T. 目标)
Sample Prompt: S.M.A.R.T. goals for SaaS “<company name>.”
6. Craft A Newsletter (邮件订阅模版)
Sample Prompt: Craft an email campaign newsletter on Black Friday for SaaS “<company name>” which offers 20% discount. Include a catchy call to action button at the end of the email.
7. Craft Pitch Emails (邮件营销模版)
Sample Prompt: Craft a pitch email for selling “physical threat detection software.”
8. Craft A Social Media Post (社交媒体发帖子)
(No specific sample prompt provided in this section)
9. Write Ad Copy (创建广告文案)
Sample Prompt: Write a Google ad text with a title of up to 30 characters and a description of up to 90 characters for SaaS “physical threat detection software.”
Sample Prompt: Write a Google ad text with a title of up to 30 characters and a description of up to 90 characters for SaaS “<company type>” from the text below.
10. Craft A Job Description (招聘要求)
Sample Prompt: Job description of Social Media Manager for real estate company.
11. Generate HowTo Schema & FAQ Schema (结构化代码生成)
Sample Prompt: Generate HowTo schema on how to bake a cake from the steps below and suggest images with each step.
12. Create Robots.txt Rules (创建Robots.txt规则)
Sample Prompt: Robots.txt rule which blocks Google’s access to directory /landing/ but allows Google ads bot.
13. Generate htaccess Redirect Rules (创建重定向规则)
Sample Prompt: For redirecting folder1 to folder2 generate nxig and htaccess redirect rules.
14. Connect To APIs And Coding (连接API)
Sample Prompt: Get Google Keyword Suggestions using PHP.
Sample Prompt: Send Facebook pixel custom conversion event once as users scroll through 35% of the page using JavaScript.
15. Get Keyword Ideas (关键词头脑风暴)
Sample Prompt: Generate a list of long and short tail keyword ideas on the topic “machine learning.”
16. Get The Search Intent Of The Search Query (了解搜索意图)
Sample Prompt: What is the user intent behind these queries?
17. Cluster Semantically Relevant Keywords (挖掘语义类似的相关关键词)
Sample Prompt: Cluster list of keywords based on their semantic relevance.
18. Generate Related Keywords And Synonyms (挖掘同义词)
Sample Prompt: Generate related keywords or the list of keywords below.()
19. Generate Article Titles Based On Keywords (通过关键词创建title)
Sample Prompt: Suggest titles based on keywords list below.
20. Generate Meta Descriptions (通过关键词创建description)
Sample Prompt: Generate concise and compelling meta description of up to 200 characters from the provided text.

以上就是20条谷歌SEO专家比较经常用到的ChatGPT prompts指令,包含了technical 和Onpage SEO,甚至包含了一些对于创业者非常有用的商业分析的prompts。ChatGPT对于内容创建者来说是非常有用的,使用的prompt也比较简单。但是,对于那些不熟悉SEO的人来说可能会不知道该如何向AI提问相关的问题,毕竟会涉及到比较专业的术语。如果你有这方面的问题可以随时咨询RANKtoo 谷歌SEO专家团队。